27 Mar 2010

Songs in my mp3!

I have very little music in my mp3 player. <512mb altogether (And they're all high quality, mind you) I still remembered that time I stunned that part-time sales guy. Think he's some 16-20 years old guy.

Me: "Uhm sorry, but d'you have a 512mb mp3 player? I don't store a lot of songs de."

Guy: *STARES for like, 4 seconds* "512 ar?! Uhm... Sorry... The smallest size we have is 2gb."

I BET he's mumbling "What kind of rock he living in sia?"

Anywayyy, out of these very little songs, I sieve out 19 of them, and only listen to them whenever I use my mp3. They're classified as my "All time favourites".

Yes, I've been listening to these 19 songs for the past few years. I know, very pathetic right? But most some of these 19 songs have a very very significant... Significance... To me. (The rest are just nice to hear, like Lady Gaga's Bad Romance)

They are:

1) You smiled kindly FROM .hack//G.U (Some game) This song has very very touching lyrics. But very little people listen to them >.<. Made me go painstakingly translate the song. Then after I'm done, some guy go publish the translated verion. #@$%^&*$%^ SIA! But still, I like my translated version better x)

2) Brave Heart FROM Digimon season 1 (The evolution song) The lyrics are damn uplifting can?! And it also made me 想当年...

3) Bad Romance FROM Lady Gaga... 'nuff said

4) My Angel FROM Tank - This song was recommended to me by a very close friend. But stuff happened, and I kinda screwed our relationship up. I was so dumb then... But I know I'll never be forgived. Still, I listen to this song every day.

5) Shuo Huang FROM Yoga Lin - This song is awfully depressing. I want to sing this song, but I can't feeeeel~ the sadness. So I can't inject feelings into it. I need someone to make me cry. Only then can I understand this song =\

Yeap~ Top 5 from my top 19 favourite songs x) I know they sound very exotic la... Weird combo... No new songs... But hey, I like these songs. I feeeeeel~ the songs. The tint of sorrow followed by renewed hope in You smiled kindly, the overabundance of joy in Xiao jiu wo. I immerse myself into the song, understanding the lyrics, emrbacing the emotions.

And that is why I can NEVER concentrate on work/play with music on.

21 Mar 2010

Abrupt termination of "What Keith has done in a science lab!" =(

Apparently, I cannot talk bout my work... I signed a confidentiality act... Treaty... Thing. So~ No more stuff!

20 Mar 2010

Crumpler slingbag!

Hooray! My mom got me a slingbag from Crumpler for my birthday!

Awesome! Thanks mommy =D

19 Mar 2010


I have never felt sooooooooo~ happy that Friday's finally here. I shall start a series of "What has Keith done in a science lab this week?!" blog posts! Every Saturday, I promise x)

I hope today (Look, it's midnight, so it's Friday) will be fun =D

16 Mar 2010


As I was coming home from my attachment, my mp3 player started playing Brave Heart. (Digimon season 1's evolution song) So... I listened to it.


The lyrics are really uplifting. Boosts my morale every time.

Give it a read =D http://www.animelyrics.com/anime/digimon/digibh.htm

15 Mar 2010


Wheee~ Attachment tomorrow later today! I will do good! I have to do good! For I will be returning there after poly!!!! I have to...

14 Mar 2010

DIY orgasms!

To experience your very own orgasm, do the following steps!

1) Drink like, 700-1000ml of water during the day.
2) Wait till your bladder feels like bursting
3) Pee during the night.

The trick is to pee ONLY when you can't take it anymore. That feeling you're experiencing for the first few seconds is akin to having an orgasm.

Try it out!

Disclaimer: Thisactionhasbeentrialedandtestedbythewriterofthisblog. ThewriterofthisblogwillNOTberesponsibleforanyshortcomings,accidentalspills,colondiseases,orbasicallyanythingbad.
Sideeffectsinculde,butnotlimitedto,uncontrollablemoaning,painfulurineandaddiction. Orgasmsarenotsuitedforpeopleofallages. Consultyourparentsbeforeundergoingthisprocedure.

Girl:"Daddy, what's an orgasm?"
Daddy: "=)"

13 Mar 2010

More stuff!

I've seen a lot of social happenings, such as relationships. And I think a lot. Whenever it comes to me and one other, I plan my moves well and I execute them. I've experienced quite a bit, and now I'm here to share with you the data I've collected over the years!

1) Relationships are almost ALWAYS one-sided. It starts out with one person liking another. And usually the other party has no feelings whatsoever for that person.

Only very very rarely, will there be a case whereby both parties are interested in one another at the same time.

2) There'll always be a person who always gives, and a person who always receives. Yeah, both parties might switch roles for awhile. But there'll always be a main giver, and a main receiver.

The main giver is ALWAYS the person who starts talking to the other party about relationship-based matters for the first time. OR the main giver is ALWAYS the person who's interested in the other party first.

3) The moment before, and once both parties enter a relationship, there will be this CRITICAL(IMPORTANT) time when both parties are interested in one another. Usually for a span of 1-3 weeks. It is CRUCIAL for the main giver to do something which APPEALS to the other party.

If the main giver does NOTHING, the main receiver will lose interest. And from then on, it will be very tough to appeal to him/her. The relationship will then turn stagnant.

If the main giver does something which DOES NOT appeal to the main receiver, the relationship will end quick, if not immediately.

Only by sheer willpower and sincerity will the main giver do something which appeals to the main receiver. And this will cause the main receiver to heighten his/her interest of the main giver, if not maintain at the same level.

4) The main force which binds both parties together for the first 1-3 years is NOVELTY. Both parties see each other as something new. And the human mind perceives new as something good. However, the new gets old. And it is up to BOTH parties to maintain the interest of each other.

However, as #2 has stated, there is always someone doing most of the giving, and someone doing most of the receiving.
Yes, the person who gives will always be interested in the other party. (Why else give money away? However, the person who receives MIGHT NOT be interested in the other party anymore, even if they are still receiving. (Who doesn't want free stuff?)

5) One-sided relationships never work out. And it will USUALLY(not always) be the main receiver initiating the breakup.

6) And so, to maintain a relationship, both parties MUST GIVE & RECEIVE. This needs lots of willpower. A lot. And frankly, I have not seen anything like it.

Yes... I think that's all I've gathered. And yes, it might be common sense to you people... But hey, sometimes you need people to remind you =D

Where... Is... My heart?

A lot of people, fictional and non-fictional, have influenced me greatly these past 18 years. But if people were to ask me "So, who has influenced you the most?", I would have to say...

Ulquiorra Schiffer of Bleach.
(Read more bout him HERE)

He is a very firm believer of materialism. At first, I thought he's just some emo kid. But you know, lying down on bed for 3 hours+ before eventually dozing off tends to make you think of many stuff.

And I finally understood what he's trying to say.

"What my eyes do not see, does not exist."~ Ulquiorra

Basically people who believe in materialism believes that what he/she can't see, does not exist.

"What is this "heart" you people always talk about? Where is it? If I tear open your chest, is your beating heart considered the "heart"? If I crack open your skull, will I see it there?"

I've thought long... And hard... And only 1-2 nights ago, I've come to a conclusion.


The "heart" does not exist.

So, people who have been trying to understand how the heart feels, fear no more! For it does not exist.

Yes, people will start complaining and say "What bout feelings? Happiness, sorrow?" and yes, they do exist! People express emotions. They express their feelings. And people can see their expressions. Therefore, they exist.

And yes, physicists are trying to prove the existance of the Higgs Boson using the LHC. So, I'll leave that to Science.

But how do you see the "heart"? How do you show your "heart" to others? You can't. But don't worry =) No one can.

12 Mar 2010

I will miss you.

When I first saw you, all that was going through my head then was "You are the most beautiful creation of God."

After which, I got to know you more. I got to know almost everything about you. We started interacting with one another. We started seeing each other everyday, every time of my life.

You were with me when I was happy. You were there to cheer me up when I'm depressed. You're always around when I need you.

Everyday, I sleep hoping to see you in my dreams. And whenever I'm awake, I'll always be looking forward to seeing you. There never was a time when I'm not thinking about you.

You gave me a reason to live. I felt like I'm invincible everytime when I'm with you. I felt like searching for a strand of hay in a needlestack is possible. And I felt that I could take on Chuck Norris and live.

I've never felt such... feelings anywhere else.

Feelings for you.

But now, those feelings have waned in time. I no longer feel the joy when I see you. You tried cheering me up everytime, but I just... Don't feel it anymore.

I'm sorry. I am so sorry. But something else has caught my eye. And that has swept my heart away. If you really will feel happy if I'm happy, then...

I think it's time we stop seeing each other.

Even as I tear while typing this, I know you will never forgive me. You never can.

I'm sorry, World of Warcraft. You will always be in my heart.

But my heart belongs to Final Fantasy XIII now...

9 Mar 2010

Naruto poisons the mind

Yes. For those of you who've read the latest chapter of Naruto, you get what I'm saying. For those who don't follow the series, I'm going to explain a bit bout Naruto in the next paragraph.

Naruto is this teenage kid who believes that he can have the best of everything. He believes that he can save the world by converting one of the main villian back to a good guy, and to also get a girlfriend along the way.

This does not happen in real life.

It is just not possible to get everything you want in real life. You have to sacrifice something to get something else.

But Naruto keeps getting what he wants, keeps winning, keeps changing people's hearts. It makes kids believe that they can do something great without losing anything.

Stop it, Naruto. Stop giving people false hope. People might actually believe it.

P.S: Then again, maybe cuz if Naruto dies, EVERYONE in the ninja world will most proly suffer from depression and start commiting suicide.

7 Mar 2010

Heroes of Newerth!

Yes. HoN has not been patching for weeks. However, they have been giving sneak peeks of new heros, (or heroes ported over from DotA). For example,

I SWEAR this is going to be the new Nerubian Assassin (NA). Prettier than some beetle, IMO. Also, Pyromancer (Lina in DotA) might be getting a new facelift!From


Look! There's a trend, see. Apparently, players prefer characters with VERY LITTLE or NO ARMOR at all. I mean, wtf? There're going to be in a battlefield, and they'll most probably be running around with skimpy clothing.

And yes, I'm totally ignoring the fact that they're women.

6 Mar 2010

Blog! Again!

After so many... Months of not blogging, I have decided to blog again!

But this time, I'm angry. I just realised that ALMOST ALL of my friends treat me as a joke. Eh, just cuz I always joke around and play a fool, wheee~ like a kid and look retarded, doesn't mean that you can always treat me like some kid ok!

I am 19 (ok fine, 1 more month to 19)years old can?! Maybe next time I'll just give that ever-stern and serious look on my face. Then you guys can take me seriously.

I mean, wtf?! I am not a kid. I just act like one.

我会翻桌子的哦! ;O

ok, I feel better now. =D

And yes. I am still thinking of a nice blog name...